EMV 3D Secure

With an in-depth knowledge of EMV 3D Secure ecosystems, the Bankcard. co, the team can help you deliver high availability. These large-scale payment solutions meet the latest security standards for card-present and card-not-present transactions.

Online Payment Ecosystem

BankCard understands the importance of security in the online payment ecosystem, from card-present to card-not-present transactions. We have successfully deployed multi-tenant solutions meeting the latest security standards. Our team will work with you to assess and certify your products for maximum availability and protection.

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with you!

Contact Us

Have an unknown charge or a charge you would like to dispute from Bank Card? 

Please be aware that unless you have a merchant service account with an ID starting with 498 or 519, chances are that the charge is not from us but another entity. “Bank Card” is a general term used throughout our industry. 

But with that said, we would love to speak to you on how we can help make commerce better for you and your business!